4Domes Observatory
Oklahoma City Clear Sky Clock

Cheddar Ranch Observatory
Clear Sky Clock

Latest Images from 4Domes

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Some of David's Latest Images


NGC 2403

NGC 2403 With Marked Globular Clusters




M-33 Inverted with Marked Globular Clusters

M-51 The Whirlpool Galaxy

M12 Globular Cluster

Some of Larry's Latest Images

North American and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus

.  5.5 hour image taken with Astro-Physics AP 130 refractor and SBIG STL11000 camera.

Some of Mike's Latest Images

Coming soon!

Some of Dan's Latest Images

Sharpless 2-171 August 27, 2012 - Dan

M81, Bode's Galaxy, April 21, 2012 - Dan